Monday, November 27, 2006

Clevercat Litterbox

clevercat litterbox

I never thought I'd see the day when I'd write more than two words about litterboxes. But, I really must because like many cat keepers, I am tired of scattered litter granules around the house. Spoo Kee likes to have fun in his box (and, he claims, be very thorough about covering up his poop) kicking litter around. His Tidy Cat covered litterbox just hasn't been cutting it, even with the little litter-catching mat in front of it.

I spied a Booda Clean Step litterbox at a local pet shop recently which gave me the idea that a new box is in order. The Booda is $50 (though I've seen it much cheaper online) so I wanted to look around before I spent that much on a plastic cat poop storing device.

While picking up a hefty bag of Science Diet Indoor Cat food at PetSmart, I checked out the Booda box. Although quite fancy in its space-age-igloo shape and designer colors, it's quite huge and the lid wasn't too easy to lock into place. Who wants to struggle with a litterbox lid every day? Um, I'm saying, not I. Then I saw the Clevercat box. Its utilitarian and almost primitive design, at first, made me think it was nothing special. But I thought, perhaps, a top-entry box would be cleaner than a front-entry (like Tidy Cat or Booda) since Spoo kicks the litter right out the front of the box. I took a chance and brought it home.

I was careful to introduce the new litterbox to Spoo gradually to prevent any upsets. (That's another story altogether.) I filled the new box with litter and put it a couple of feet from his old one, without the lid on. He had fun for a few days having two boxes. (That's more bathrooms than for us humans in this household!)

Then I switched out the old for the new, kept lid off for another couple of days. Once I put the lid on, I was worried, but Spoo didn't seem to mind it. In fact, I'm convinced he likes the lid and dark space. (He loves to hide out.) There's some traction on the lid to clean kitty's feet before leaping off the top. So far, there's barely any litter around the box and haven't found any around the house. (Knock wood.)

The only drawback would be, if you have a rather obese and/or lazy cat, he/she may not appreciate the extra workout to use the lue and therefore may punish you by using your suitcase as a litterbox. (**Do not leave suitcase unattended.**) But, hey, kitty could probably use the exercise anyway.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Johnson's Baby Creamy Soap w/Lavender and Camomile

I discovered this soap at my local HEB supermarket while living in Texas. It's cheap (you can get it for under a buck) and I love using baby products because I have ridiculously sensitive skin.

It works great but the absolute best part of this soap is the SMELL. Oh my crap, I love to smell this soap. The scent is vaguely like lavender but very sweet and powdery. It must smell like something from my childhood because I'm addicted to smelling this soap, and they say smell is more important to memory than sight or sound. (Or something to that effect.) If only Johnson's would make a perfume from this smell, I'd wear it every day - and I don't even like perfume!

So, anyway, I would go to HEB and practically clear out the shelf each time. Then one day, they were all gone! Not just the soap, but the shelf tag and the little soap-wide space that used to hold the soap. Apparently, others weren't so keen on this soap as I was!

Oh, it was so very horrible. I tried to look for it online but it's much more expensive and I'm such a cheapskate. I'm on a tight budget, you know. I decided it was best that I forget...

On my most recent trip to Target Boutique, scouring the baby aisle for another favorite, Johnson's Lavender Baby Shampoo, I found my creamy lavender soap! Yay, and still under $1. So I bought six.

*sniff sniff*