Johnson's Baby Creamy Soap w/Lavender and Camomile

I discovered this soap at my local HEB supermarket while living in Texas. It's cheap (you can get it for under a buck) and I love using baby products because I have ridiculously sensitive skin.
It works great but the absolute best part of this soap is the SMELL. Oh my crap, I love to smell this soap. The scent is vaguely like lavender but very sweet and powdery. It must smell like something from my childhood because I'm addicted to smelling this soap, and they say smell is more important to memory than sight or sound. (Or something to that effect.) If only Johnson's would make a perfume from this smell, I'd wear it every day - and I don't even like perfume!
So, anyway, I would go to HEB and practically clear out the shelf each time. Then one day, they were all gone! Not just the soap, but the shelf tag and the little soap-wide space that used to hold the soap. Apparently, others weren't so keen on this soap as I was!
Oh, it was so very horrible. I tried to look for it online but it's much more expensive and I'm such a cheapskate. I'm on a tight budget, you know. I decided it was best that I forget...
On my most recent trip to Target Boutique, scouring the baby aisle for another favorite, Johnson's Lavender Baby Shampoo, I found my creamy lavender soap! Yay, and still under $1. So I bought six.
*sniff sniff*
Oooohh!! Lavender and Chamomile? I'll have to purchase a bar and try it next time I shop at Tar-jay.
Gotta love those baby products especially those by Johnson's!
i got a couple of bars today at target! yay!
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